Centstar Double Arc Flameless Electric Cigarette Lighter Review
Centstar Double Arc Flameless Electric Cigarette Lighter Review
Buy it at Amazon: Centstar Double Arc Flameless Electric Cigarette Lighter [Affiliate Link]
Takeaway: Windproof, great for candles, cigarettes, and long wicks. Won't work with pipes or cigars.
This lighter comes with an 8 in microUSB cord for charging. It has the size and shape of a typical Zippo lighter. It measures 2.75 in, 1.25 in and 3/8 in thick. It weighs about 3.5 oz. The lighter a single button on the right hand side for operation and a microUSB port on the bottom for charging. The unit takes a couple hour to charge and when the unit is charging the LED will be blue. The light shuts off when the lighter is fully charged. On a full charge the lighter can ignite up to 80 cigarettes.
The exterior has a black powder matte finish with a slightly sandy texture which makes it easy to grip with your fingers. The unit has an LED behind the button that lights up when you flip the lighter open. When the light is on you can activate the dual arc electric bands. They cross each other and form a small 'x.' The electricity used to form the arcs is high voltage so don't stick your finger in it or you'll get a shock similar to one experienced by a stun gun. The nice thing about this lighter is that it works even in windy conditions. It's also flameless and shuts off as soon as the button is let go so it is pretty safe. In addition, the lighter cap must be fully open in order to operate it. When the cap only partially open and the light is not on, you cannot activate the arcs. This prevents the lighter from becoming activated in your pocket inadvertently.
The electric arcs create high temperatures that can light a cigarette or candle wick. The part you want to ignite has to be small enough to fit between the electrodes to touch the beams. So for candles, the wick has to be long enough to touch one of the beams so that it ignites. Candles with wicks deep inside a candle holder won't work well with the lighter. Igniting takes about 1 second of contact with the arcs. With a cigarette, it helps to hold it at a 45 degree angle so that it lights the entire tip since the arcs are on a slight angle. This lighter won't work for cigars or pipes.
Buy it at Amazon: Centstar Double Arc Flameless Electric Cigarette Lighter [Affiliate Link]
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