Suca Grafting Tool Review with Grafting Results

Suca Grafting Tool Review with Grafting Results Review

Buy it at Amazon: Suca Grafting Tool Review with Grafting Results [Affiliate Link]

Takeaway: A bit tricky to use, 70% success rate, good for thicker scion/root stock branches 1/2 inch or thicker.

The grafting tool comes with three blade shapes: V, Omega, and U. The U shape is pre-installed and the process to change the blades is not quick though isn't too much of a bother. I rarely switch blades as I prefer the Omega cut. The tool has an orange handle lock for storing the unit, but the one on my unit was malformed and it chipped a chunk off the locking mechanism (the plastic is pretty soft) so mine doesn't lock anymore. When you squeeze the handle it activates the pruning cutters and graft cutter simultaneously. An extra orange blade guard is included and can be used when the original one wears out. The blade guard will wear down as you make grafting cuts but the guard itself can be rotated and each of the 6 sides can be used.

On pencil thick green wood the pruner cuts are quick and clean. It's not great for general pruning of dead/dry wood and it can only handle thicknesses up to 1/2". However, it leaves no jagged edges though takes a moderate amount of pressure to use. When grafting, using the shape cutter, cut the negative into the root stock; the valley or cleft side should be on the root stock. With the scion wood, cut it so that it creates the matching positive shape, then the two pieces will fit together like a puzzle. I used 1/2" grafting tape to seal the grafts. Occasionally if the graft union looks weak, I'll brace it with a 4-5" piece of thin bamboo, secured with additional grafting tape as a sort of splint to ensure the union doesn't come apart in high winds. The tricky part with this tool is that the branches can slip to either side as you squeeze the handle. If the cut is even slightly off center your pieces won't line up correctly (unless you slip in exactly the opposite direction when you make the matching cut!) and the scion and rootstock branches have to be really close in diameter; you might even want to use calipers to measure them. You also won't be able to use the grafting tool on any branch that's thinner than a pencil. One thing that failed on mine pretty quickly is the locking mechanism. There was a small defect in the notch that prevented it from closing properly and a little piece even broke off from the lock notch, which is pretty annoying.

Ten weeks after completing my grafts with this tool, I recorded a success rate of about 70% (12 of 17 grafts took and are leafing out). The scars are shaped like the Omega and swollen a bit, but most of the branches haven't healed/thickened enough to break through the grafting tape. They look strong though and aren't flaking or split. Overall, this tool works decently well for grafting scion wood to root stock, as long as the diameter of the branches are about a 3/8" or thicker. Any narrower and you'll have to use a different method like whip and tongue. I think the construction could be a bit better, but it's functional and will likely last several seasons of use.

Buy it at Amazon: Suca Grafting Tool Review with Grafting Results [Affiliate Link]


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